About the Site:
For my final project I decided to build out my main domain. My main domain was designed to act as a portfolio or resume site. Since I am a political science major I decided to fill the site with my research papers, such as those covering political philosophy and Middle Eastern politics. I also added some of the podcasts I have created, such as the one for the DGST 101 course and my drug politics course. I have also included the video essay project from the DGST 101 course.
Developing the Site:
In developing the site, I utilized the skills I learned to use WordPress to create the site, using the Signify theme. The biggest help I received was attending a workshop from the Mary Washington Digital Knowledge Center (DKC). I used the basic format they showed us how to develop and modified it to suit my needs. In addition, I needed to ensure that the site was accessible, so as I did on this site I incorporated headings and subheadings. I also used alt text on the few images used on the website. The only media uploaded on the site is that which I created and all credit for content such as music was credited. Images created using AI were credited as such. I did use Microsoft CoPilot to create the site favicon. In my essays and podcasts/video sources are credited to ensure information accuracy. I chose to make the site “all rights reserved” as that is the same copyright license I used for this site. I also do not want my work shared or posted without my permission as it contains political content.