Podcast: Our Shrinking Attention Span

Episode synopsis

This episode centers around the ever shrinking attention span of people in the modern age. Research indicates that in the past twenty years the average person’s attention span has decreased significantly. This is due to excessive distractions attributed to social media and ever increasing technology use. The episode seeks to identify problems contributing to our declining attention span and help users identify strategies they can use to increase their concentration and attention span.

Behind the Scenes

The audio sample posted here was recorded utilizing Sennheiser headphones as the microphone, and edited on a MacBook laptop. Soundtrap was used as the editing software in which recordings were stored and sound effects were added in. Royalty free music was downloaded from Bensound.com and used for non commercial purposes.

Audio Sample:

Script/outline for podcast:

Topic: How to improve attention span

  • 0-20 seconds
    • Podcast intro: Welcome audience to Christian Speaks (To You) podcast.
    • Intro music: 
    • Topic intro: Explain that increasing technology usage is leading to attention spans being shorter. Studies conducted in 2003 showed average attention span while on a webpage was close to 3 minutes, while as of 2023, it’s about 47 seconds.
  • 20-40 seconds
    • Background on topic: Technology provides a greater number of distractions than such as texts, and social media notifications. 1
    • Why this topic is important: This is important because people make more errors when they are distracted, it takes longer to complete assignments and tasks, and stress levels increase when focusing on multiple different things.1

Ways to increase attention span.

  • 40-60 seconds
    • First point about topic: Reading can help to increase attention span by training the mind to concentrate on a singular task. A good tip is to mute your phone to avoid distractions and focus on reading for 20-30 minutes straight without losing concentration. (Insert sound effect recording of pages turning in a book, which I will record myself). 
  • 60-80 seconds
    • Second point about topic: The spider technique. Explain about what the spider technique is and how this metaphor can help you understand how to ignore distractions when they come up. You can also incorporate the phrase “Be Here Now” which is said after a distraction arises to help refocus your brain on the topic at hand.
  • 80-100 seconds
    • Third point about topic: Other important tips for improving your attention span that can be helpful to try: Exercise such as jogging or walking (Record sounds on outdoor walk)., helps to release endorphins and get blood flowing which will improve brain function. Giving yourself a reward for completing an assignment or task, such as rewarding yourself with a snack after reading for 30 mins, etc. 
  • 100-120 seconds
    • Conclusion: Thank audience for listening and hope that some of the tips can be implemented into your life and be of use. 
    • Acknowledgments: Thank CBS, George Washington University, and Kansas State for their research being published and utilized by this podcast.
    • Sign off: Thank audience once again and say goodbye to listeners.

[1] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/are-attention-spans-getting-shorter-and-does-it-matter/

[2] https://healthcaremba.gwu.edu/blog/how-to-increase-attention-span

[3] https://www.k-state.edu/counseling/services/resources/self_help/improvingconcentration.html

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