Your Shrinking Attention Span: A Video Essay

About this video

This video discusses how low attention span can cause you to make errors in your work/studies. It then discusses some tips and tricks you can use to increase your attention span and your concentration. Some of the tips discussed are reading long form content such as a book, and increasing the amount of exercise you get in an effort to improve blood circulation. At the end, some bonus tips such as mindfulness are thrown at the viewer to encourage them to do additional research on tips they might find helpful. Sources used for this video include CBS News, George Washington University, and Kansas State.


Music for this video is Moonlight Drive by Yunior Arronte downloaded via bensound. Stock internet footage was used royalty and copyright free and was “Frustrated Teenager” recorded by Tima Miroschnichenko downloaded via pexels.

Behind the Scenes

This video was an attempt to adapt my similarly titled podcast about shrinking attention spans. I used my iPhone to record the video using a tripod and microphone checked out from the HCC front desk. Using a tripod was helpful as I was able to set up a stable video at any point and at differing heights. The microphone provided much better quality audio and reduced instances of background noise versus the iPhone’s built in microphone. Since I recorded the footage on an iPhone, and was going to edit on my Mac laptop, it made sense to stay in the Apple ecosystem and edit using iMovie. I uploaded my video as an unlisted video on Youtube, as I already had a YouTube account and knew how to upload to the platform.

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